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Supporting people who initiate sustainable lasting changes

supporting people who initiate sustainable lasting changeMobile-supporting people who initiate sustainable lasting change
Wilstar is an impact investing platform focused on supporting people who initiate sustainable lasting change to create a better world
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Education and Equality

Human Dignity and Women´s Rights

Marine Environment

Accelerator and Incubator programmes


Blue Ventures

Wilstar has been a partner of Blue Ventures since 2015, supporting their work in Timor-Leste. Blue Ventures develops transformative approaches for catalyzing and sustaining locally led marine conservation.

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Blue Ventures


Human Dignity and Women´s Rights

Protecting Marine Environments and Action on Climate Change

Accelerator and Incubator programmes


Dråpen i Havet

Wilstar entered into a partnership with Dråpen I Havet (A Drop in the Ocean) in 2019. Wilstar is supporting their work in developing an education centre in Northern Greece where the refugee camp Nea Kavala is located.

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Dråpen i Havet


Human Dignity and Women´s Rights

Protecting Marine Environments and Action on Climate Change

Accelerator and Incubator programmes



Wilstar entered into a partnership with Kronprinsparets fond (The Norwegian Crown Prince Couple´s Foundation) in 2017. The aim of the partnership is to create a project which will help reduce youth societal exclusion and the number of early school leavers in Norway.

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Education and Equality

Human Dignity and Women´s Rights

Protecting Marine Environments and Action on Climate Change

Ecosystem Building


Impact Startup

Wilstar entered into a partnership with Impact StartUp in 2019. The aim of this partnership is to form a Norwegian accelerator program for 2020 which will strengthen the Nordic region's leading ecosystem for social entrepreneurs with cutting-edge expertise and resources within a social impact.

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Impact Startup
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How We work and

Who We Work With

Wilstar is the nonprofit social impact arm of the Arne Wilhelmsen family office and a space in which the Wilhelmsen family feel they can most effectively contribute to our society.

How We work with

Social Entrepreneurs

At Wilstar we believe in solving some of the world’s greatest challenges, through innovation and through supporting social entrepreneurs and businesses that provide sustainable solutions to these challenges.

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Wilstar other funders and supporters of soscial impact

How We work with

Other Funders and Supporters of Social Impact

We strongly believe that in order to create social and environmental impact at scale, we are reliant on working in partnerships with other likeminded organisations.

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How We work with


Wilstar acknowledges that to create accelerated social impact, we cannot purely rely on social innovation, we need businesses in general to adopt principles in line with global goals for people and our planet, creating shared value for all stakeholders.

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Programme Areas

Wilstar is a non-profit venture which is focused on social impact and supporting people who initiate sustainable lasting change to create a better world


News & Stories

Wilstar is a non-profit venture which is focused on social impact and supporting people who initiate sustainable lasting change to create a better world


Alumni Projects and Partnerships

Wilstar typically enters into long-term partnerships with the organisations and social entrepreneurs we support. We are proud of all our current and former partnerships and continue to support them and the impact they create.


Human Dignity and Women´s Rights

Protecting Marine Environments and Action on Climate Change

Accelerator and Incubator programmes


National Geographic Photo Camp

Wilstar was proud to partner with National Geographic Photo Camp, the Norwegian Red Cross and the Nobel Peace Centre in creating a series of three Photo Camp workshops in Bergen, Trondheim, and Oslo in the summer and fall of 2017.

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Education and Equality

Human Dignity and Women´s Rights

Marine Environment

Accelerator and Incubator programmes


Circular Cleanup

Wilstar, as part of our mission to protect the oceans from threats such as plastic, joined the project Circular Cleanup in 2018.

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Human Dignity and Women´s Rights

Protecting Marine Environments and Action on Climate Change

Accelerator and Incubator programmes



Wilstar entered into a partnership with Gamingkontakten in 2020. Gamingkontakten aims to prevent the societal exclusion of children and youths through what many view as the problem as opposed to the solution to this problem, gaming. Gamingkontakten believes that it is necessary to educate adults who work with children and young people in the positive opportunities that lie in the gaming arena.

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Supporting people who initiate sustainable lasting change to create a better world

Wilstar is the nonprofit social impact arm of the Arne and Lise Wilhelmsen family office and a space in which the Wilhelmsen family feel they can most effectively contribute to our society.

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